Built with Tokens Studio ( Figma Tokens)

Super easy to customize whatever you want

All components have been fine-tuned to ensure swift and effortless customization, as well as sustainable maintenance in the long run

Color wheel


Change the color style by updating a master tokens with tokens studio, this allows for easy customization and consistency across all design elements


By default, our system uses 2px as the master token for spacing. However, if you need to customize your spacing values, you can easily do so within seconds using Figma Studio.

Text Style

Do you want to change the font or spacing in our design system? It's super easy and efficient - no need to change each element individually. You can make updates with just a single edit.

Ut dui consectetur sagittis habitasse amet, ultricies eget.


Ut dui consectetur sagittis habitasse amet, ultricies eget.


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